Deworming Services

Medication and regular testing to protect cats, dogs, and your family from internal parasites.

Dogs and cats are hosts to several internal parasites frequently referred to as worms. These worms are often found inside your cat or dog's gastrointestinal tract, and their presence can lead to various symptoms such as organ damage, diarrhea, vomiting, and weight loss, which can be life-threatening. This is the main reason our veterinary team will recommend regular feces tests and deworming. By taking care of the gastrointestinal health of your dog or cat, you can help to avoid the infection of other animals or family members. To learn more about deworming your cat or dog, feel free to contact us at 705-885-7387.

When should deworming begin in cats and dogs?

The recommendation will depend on their age and routine. Puppies or kittens should start the deworming schedule between 2 to 4 weeks old. Early deworming is essential to ensure that even if the mother is infected, the babies will not become hosts either through the milk or contaminated soil. The dose is calculated in accordance with the puppy or kitten's weight, so the amount of medication will probably change with each dose. They will be dewormed every 2 weeks until they are 4 months old. As an adult, your dog or cat will typically be advised to undergo a fecal test once or twice a year, with specific deworming prescribed based on routine check-ups and feces examination results.

How are worms diagnosed in cats and dogs?

The easiest way to diagnose worms is through a stool sample. Our veterinarians will decide which test is needed and which one will be more accurate for the diagnosis. It can be a simple exam using a microscope. Most of the worm eggs can be seen through two different fecal exams under the microscope. Other intestinal worms, such as tapeworms, can be identified without a microscope in the stool. Heartworm testing usually involves examining a blood sample to detect heartworm proteins released in the blood. In some cases, heartworms can also be visualized under a microscope with just a single drop of blood on a slide.

What are signs that my cat or dog has worms?

Here are signs that your loyal companion may have worms:

  1. Scooting
  2. Labored breathing
  3. Loss of appetite
  4. Weight loss
  5. Swollen abdomen
  6. Vomiting
  7. Diarrhea or bloody stool

My cat stays indoor, is deworming necessary?

Yes, indoor cats still need to be dewormed. Unfortunately, it is difficult to guarantee that none of the family members have inadvertently introduced anything through contaminated soil, contact with other animals or pets, or via contaminated fresh food or plants. Besides that, cats tend to hunt small insects and animals that can be hosts to worms.

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